Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut and things weren't going the way you planned? Guess what? You are absolutely, positively not alone. Let me say it again: you are NOT alone.
I've been stuck for so long that I've isolated myself from others. Afraid they would know that I didn't have it all together. That I wasn't perfect. Instead, I have worn a mask to hide my feelings.
Those feelings were foreign to me until the last few months. By reading A Confident Heart by Renee Swope and through Proverbs31 online bible study, I realized that I had let my fears and self-doubts overtake almost every aspect of my life.
With that realization came God's voice: time to follow your heart. Catch hold of a dream and go for it. CHANGE.
So, I've done the biggest one yet. I've resigned from that nice, steady full-time management job; the one where I love my boss and co-workers, and I am going back to school full-time for my doctorate degree in nursing (DNP) so I can teach at the university level! As of today I have four weeks left of work...yikes and yippee!!
Stepping out in faith is exciting and scary. Did I mention I have 2 kids in college? Oh, and a mortgage?? But if I knew the future, would I really be stepping out in faith? The new favorite verse God has given me to cling to is Jeremiah 29:11.
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
For this, I can rejoice!! We all can... He has plans for each and every one of us. He didn't forget about us and move on to the next guy/girl. He loves you. And thankfully he loves me. Enough that He has a future in His will ready and waiting for us.
I've just jumped on this train and am going to start... Taking care of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Participating fully in the new P31 OBS Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. More asking, more seeking, then I will find Him when I do so with all of my heart. Won't you join me? God's calling. How will you respond?
Thank you for your post, Wendy. What a blessing to read how your are stepping out in faith to follow God's leading! May He richly bless you in your new endeavors.
ReplyDeleteSo grateful for your comments! Appreciate your support/prayers as this year begins in relying totally on Him!