Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Not Just About Weight Loss

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 
Be self-controlled and alert.    1 Peter 5:7-8a

I so want to write something encouraging to you about how well my exercise goals are going . About how well I am sticking to a specific diet.  About how I have lost enough weight that I am ready to go shopping for new clothes.

But when I break down this scripture, it goes deeper, SO MUCH DEEPER than just today’s goal of losing weight.  

These past few weeks and even months have been amazing.  Through deep study and prayer, I am finding that God’s will for my life has never been clearer.  You have to understand: this is something I have been struggling with for a long time. YEARS.

As I type, I have only two weeks and two days of full-time employment as I am starting back to school full-time. Gulp.  As the time gets closer, my anxiety level is not as high as I expected it would be. BUT, my family’s is!! Sometimes as we make changes in our own lives, even when it is for all the right reasons, it affects others in ways we did not quite imagine.  This creates anxiety…

As we go on this journey of learning to Crave God, we have to let go of the stressors. I don’t know about you, but the things that I care about most can be my stressors: my family, my marriage, school, church, friendships (or lack thereof).  Then there are the things that are normal stressors for everyone: money, bills, illness…

All of these things can distract us from our goals.  God tells us to cast ALL of these things on Him.  Not some of them.  Not the things we think He can handle.  Not even just the things we want Him to know about.  ALL of them. 

The awesome thing is this: God is BIG enough to handle them.  ALL of them.  And thankfully, He’s willing to take them all.  Who wants them anyway?  Christ died on the cross so that He could cover all of our sins.  Why wouldn’t He want us to drop the things that distract us from Him? 

Why does He do it?  Because He CARES FOR YOU!!  Isn’t that amazing??  He cares for you, and for me, Wendy.  So much so He even knows the number of hairs on our head.  That’s a God who cares. When He was on the cross, He would have died if you were the only one in the world. WOW!

What does He require of you?  Be self-controlled and alert.  He wants our full attention.  He wants all of us.  I like how the Revised Standard Version puts it.  “Be sober and alert.” That means to give up those things that stand between us and Him.  It may be food, alcohol, cigarettes, our time… anything that we place in that role of idol.  For me, it is food.  

I am most alert when I am in His Word.  I am more self-controlled when I realize that I am a temple of God.  BUT I have to be reminded over and over.  I need an accountability partner, and I am thankful I have an amazing husband who reminds me and helps push me to be the best me I can be. What about you?  How will you move forward with #Determination this week?  

You CAN do it!  You can be an #Overcomer with God as your focus and with your eye on the prize!! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Favorite Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11

Change is what happens in life. You have to decide to fight it, roll with it, or be proactive - be the change!

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut and things weren't going the way you planned?  Guess what? You are absolutely, positively not alone. Let me say it again: you are NOT alone.

I've been stuck for so long that I've isolated myself from others. Afraid they would know that I didn't have it all together. That I wasn't perfect. Instead, I have worn a mask to hide my feelings.

Those feelings were foreign to me until the last few months.  By reading A Confident Heart by Renee Swope and through Proverbs31 online bible study, I realized that I had let my fears and self-doubts overtake almost every aspect of my life.

With that realization came God's voice: time to follow your heart. Catch hold of a dream and go for it. CHANGE.

So, I've done the biggest one yet. I've resigned from that nice, steady full-time management job; the one where I love my boss and co-workers, and I am going back to school full-time for my doctorate degree in nursing (DNP) so I can teach at the university level! As of today I have four weeks left of work...yikes and yippee!!

Stepping out in faith is exciting and scary. Did I mention I have 2 kids in college? Oh, and a mortgage?? But if I knew the future, would I really be stepping out in faith?  The new favorite verse God has given me to cling to is Jeremiah 29:11.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

For this, I can rejoice!! We all can... He has plans for each and every one of us. He didn't forget about us and move on to the next guy/girl. He loves you. And thankfully he loves me. Enough that He has a future in His will ready and waiting for us.

I've just jumped on this train and am going to start... Taking care of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Participating fully in the new P31 OBS Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. More asking, more seeking, then I will find Him when I do so with all of my heart. Won't you join me? God's calling. How will you respond?